Monday, January 23, 2012

A short haired lass.

I returned to the workshop on January 11th.  This time a tatooed female model with short hair.  I arrived a few minutes late.

I didn't quite get down to her feet in 10 minutes.

A nice laying pose, spending a lot of time on structure without getting all the parts.  I'm still trying to find the right middle ground between accuracy and expressive likeness.

For the longer pose I went more academic, trying to accurately capture what I was seeing.  I attempted a technique I learned from Mark Tennant where you map the proportions and shadow shapes, then filling in the core shadow with vine charcoal.  To create the transition from shadow to lit form, you brush your finger from the charcoal to the white areas of the paper.  I love the way this technique looks.  I debated coloring in her face with charcoal because I didn't want to lose the detail, but it breaks the unifying effect of the shadow. 

A new/old drawing workshop.

I went to a local drawing workshop. Three ten minute poses and one two hour pose.

I started to remember how to construct a figure. I went to this workshop when it was at Poor Yorick's back in 2008.  Now it is in a small architecture firm's building.

I identified with the model's lanky frame and there were some interesting shadow shapes.

He took a very contemplative pose, listening to his ipod all the while.

He took the same pose during the longer portion. I enjoyed drawing his face and his rumpled socks, which were the only bit of clothing he wore besides his watch and ipod.  
I shook some of the life drawing cobwebs out.